Friday, October 21, 2005

Weight Lifting - Bact to the basics

Reps and sets
When it comes to workout routines everyone wants to know how many reps and sets should be performed per exercise. Different rep ranges stimulate different types of muscle but remember that you always want to balance the amount of weight and number of reps so that your muscle is struggling on the last rep of the set.

different types of muscle:

There are 2 types of muscle tissue that everyone is made up of, fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibres. Depending on what your weight training goals are your weight training routine will very.

Fast twitch muscle fibers are the muscle fibers responsible for short, explosive and powerful movements. Sprinters and and powerlifters depend on fast twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitch fibers are the ones that grow!

Slow twitch muscle fibers are the muscle fibers that are responsible for endurance. They do not really respond to resistance training with any type of growth or hypertrophy.

Everyone has a different ratio of fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. The long long distance runner is has a higher ration of slow twitch. A peson with more fast twitch will be able to apply more power in short bursts like a sprinter.

Watch your Breathing
How to breathe when you are exercising is not as straight forward as you may have thought. For cardio, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. For strength and resistance exercises there are many opinions. All options involve a period of time when you hold your breath along with different inhale and exhale phases. Some feel that you should just breathe naturally throughout the exercise. I believe that you exhale as you exert force or contract your muscles. Just like a mother giving birth or a marital arts person delivering a blow. As your muscles lengthen and the weight returns to a position where a force will again be exerted you inhale.

It is important to take note. When you are lifting one way of breathing that you do not want to is hold your breath the entire lift.

In general to get huge muscles and look like a bodybuilder do lots of reps. In the range of 8-15, with short rest periods in between sets, about 45 – 90 seconds.

If your goal is to move the world with your bare hands you have to lift lots of weight with longer rests. Here you are to shout for reps of 1-6 and rest intervals of 2 – 6 minutes.

This should get you started or provide you with a few refresher points.

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