Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Powerlifting and Weight training for strength

Powerlifters are looking to gain strength, not like the bodybuilder who is concerned more with size and muscle hypertrophy. These two goals require different weight training methods.

A strength training program will focus training cycles and workouts around high resistance, heavy weight routines. These workouts will require near maximal muscle contractions with relatively low repetitions. Training in this manner will increase the cross sectional area of worked muscles. Type 2 muscle fiber or fast twitch muscle fibers will be worked more so than the slow twitch resulting in strength gains.

Another important factor to remember in powerlifting or weight training for strength is to allow your muscles to fully recover before your next set. Rest periods need to be log and relaxed. Look to take 5 minutes between working sets.

Keep these quick tips in mind when training for strength. If you train in this manner do not expect huge weight gains, but do expect some.

All the best in your weight training, powerlifting, and bodybuilding programs.

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