Friday, April 14, 2006

Workout for Shoulders

Shoulder Press (on smith)
3 - 240 x 3
Rest - 2:00
The plan was to do 5 x 5 at 240 but as you can see it did not pan out that way. As I warmed up things felt heavy and when i got the weight on the bar I knew it was too much so I changed things . The reps were hard but I got them done. Next week I will have to take a step back.

Shoulder press with barbell

3 - 55 x 8
Rest - 1:00
These were done one arm at a time. The dificulty comes in keeping the bar balanced.

Side laterals
4 - 15 x 12
Rest - :45
I did these on one foot and on a Sissel BalanceFit. That made it a chalange and made me work the core and stibility.

rear flys
4 - 25 x 12
Rest - :30

cybex rear delts
4 - 100 x 12
Rest - :30

5 - 115 x 5
Rest - 1:30
I do not do much bi work and found these hard.

Vanity Curls
5 -#4 x 12
Rest - :45
Done on the cable crossover. place cables at shoulder height stand in the middle of the crossover with a cable in each hand now fle and do a bi pose.

All the best in your weight and programs.

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