Monday, April 16, 2007

Week C2 - Monday and a little messed up

Weight Training Journal

Chest - Hypertrophy

Today was a funny day. I went to the gym twice. In the Am I did snatches both regular and one handed. Here is a few of my lifts. I even included a miss.

My second Workout


Rest ~ 1:30 @275lbs
For the bench today I did 5 sets of:
3 x 3reps with 20 seconds rest after 3rd rep.

that was it for chest

After that I did some push ups, body weight squats, and a few other things like that.

Not the best day, maybe I needed more rest.

All the best in your weight and programs.
Jason, CSCS


Anonymous said...

Wow. If I tried that, my arms would get ripped out of their sockets.

Unknown said...

If you through the weight up and back it can be hard on the shoulder. What you try to do is bring the weight straight up then drop under it. If done right there is little stress on the shoulder.

Give it a try, they are not that bad and can help with your power.