Monday, September 3, 2007

In the gym - Workout ~ 09/03

Weight Training Journal

My Workout

5 - 275 x 5
R - 2:00

Wave 1 - 330 x 3, 340 x 2, 250 x 1
Wave 2 - 340 x 3, 350 x 2, 260 x 1
Wave 3 - 350 x 1,
I did not have a spot so I thought I would stop there.

Chins - Around the World
5 - BW x 3/direction
R - :45
These are like regular chin ups but you pull up towards more one side,
at the top move to the other side while at the top and come back down again.

Bulgarian Squats
5 - 90 x 5
Rest ~ 1:00

Rest ~ :30
3 - 135 x 10

Leg Press ~ Single Leg
4 - 180 x 6
R ~ :30

DB Incline Press
4 - 115 x 5
R ~ 1:00

All the best in your weight and programs.
Jason, CSCS

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