Wednesday, May 3, 2006

chest - Bodybuilding style

Weight Training

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Wed PM

4 - 245 x max
Rest - 1:00
x 10, x 8, x 6, 7

incline DB press
4 - 80 x 8
Rest - :45
I could only get 7 on my last set. The first 4 reps were done with palms in the last 4 were done regular.

4 - 240 x max
Rest - :45
x8, x6, x5, x6

end with 4 sets of cable cross overs

It has been a while since I have done a this type of workout and I found it very tough. I did get a good pump though. I will not stick with type of program, I just needed a change for today.

All the best in your weight and programs.

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