Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My new 6 week microcycle

Now that I am into my second week of my new phase I think I should let everyone know what I am up to. My goals for this phase are to increase all facets of my weight training. As mentioned I am currently in my second week of what will be a 6 week microcycle. My weight routine is broken up into a 6 day cycle. I take rest when I feel I need it.

Day 1- Max Effort (ME) legs
The goal is to increase leg strength.
Rest - between 2 and 5 minutes
Weight -85% or greater of my 1RM
Sets - 5
Reps - 1 to 5
To this day I will add shoulders and traps

Day 2 - ME Chest
The goal is to increase my bench.
Rest - between 2 and 5 minutes
Weight - 85% or greater of my 1RM
Sets - 5
Reps - 1 to 5
To this day I will add back.

Day 3 - Volume Legs
The goal is to increase body weight and get bigger legs.
Rest - between 30 and 90 seconds
Weight - 67 to 85% of my 1RM
Sets - 3 to 5 for each exercise, 5 for most
Reps - 6 to 12
This day I will be tough so I will not add any other body parts.

Day 4 - Volume Chest
The goal is to increase body weight and a big chest.
Rest - between 30 and 90 seconds
Weight - 67 to 85% of my 1RM
Sets - 3 to 5 for each exercise, 5 for most
Reps - 6 to 12
This day I will be tough so I will not add any other body parts.

Day 5 Dynamic Effort (DE) Legs
The goal is to increase lower body explosiveness.
Rest - between 45 seconds and 5 minutes
Weight - 60 to 85% of my 1RM
Sets - 5 to 12 for each exercise
Reps - 2 to 5
This day I will some assistance work.

Day 6 - DE Chest
The goal is to increase explosiveness in my bench.
Rest - between 45 seconds and 5 minutes
Weight - 60 to 85% of my 1RM
Sets - 5 to 12 for each exercise
Reps - 2 to 5
To this day I will add triceps.

I will start to include total volume for some
exercises and it will look like this
V = 8550
I will get the totayal this way
V = reps X weight
then I add the totals for each set


Unknown said...

Thanks Rick. I wanted a blanced cycle this time around and I think I have it here. I wanted to hit a little of every thing.

My goal is to have a raw 405 bench. I would like to see that by the end of the year. I think 6 months is enough time if I plan my weight traininig right.

Anonymous said...

Jason, the program looks tough. I note you are mixing volume and dynamic effort. Have you got a plan for the year?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the visit and the comment. I mix volume and DE because I find that I do not have a good push from the bottom of my lifts. I need this even more in the squat where I have a prolbem getting out of the hole.

I do not have a years plan down on paper but I do have in mind what I want to do. I do go a lot by feel and by my weak points.