Friday, January 29, 2010

Today's Workout - Full Body 01/29/10

For today's workout I veered off plan. I was scheduled to do a lower body max effort day, but got sidetracked and did something a little different.

Is a mix of conditioning explosive work and some strength work. You could say it was kind of all over the map.

I start with dumbbell push presses. I didn't go to heavy I think I went up to 5x60. From there I went on to deadlifts. Again I didn't know all that heavy, 1 up to 5x400. From there was on to dumbbell press. On there I did three sets of single single double presses on the incline bench, at 100 pounds. that was super setted with, the hamstring curls. For that it was three sets of 12.

The next superset consisted of, dumbbell triceps of extension, and seated rows.

And for conditioning I did a bunch of battle rope exercises.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Upper Body Workout - 01/28/10

Today's workout continued with maximal my effort protocol. Today's max effort exercise was the front press. Last time I attempted a max front press I missed 220. The first exercise in my workout today was the front press. After a few warm up sets I moved into the singles. I did:

The 210, was slow and challenging it made wonder about the 220. I did manage to hit the 220 but it was slow and difficult, I think it took about 5 seconds to get it up over my head.

After that the rest of the workout was fairly easy, I stuck with a hammer strength machine circuit. Here's what I did:

Hammer Strength benchpress: 3 sets 0f 6 @270
Hammer Strength Pulldown: 3 sets 0f 6 @180
Hammer Strength Incline: 3 sets 0f 6 @245
Hammer Strength Mid Row: 3 sets 0f 6 @270
DB Elbows out Extension: 3 sets 0f 10 @45
Face Pulls: 3 sets 0f 12 @100
Bench Supported Wrist Curls: 3 sets 0f 12 @25

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Secret for all hardgainers

If you consider yourself a hard gainer, somebody who eats well works out hard and has trouble putting on lean muscle, this is for you.

Over on my blog men's fitness and more I put up a new post just for the hard gainer. this simple tip will be help you add more muscle to your frame, and avoid some of the pitfalls of being a hard gainer.

Click the link below to see how you can turn your situation around:

CLICK HERE == > Simple supplement trick for hardgainers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lower Body Workout - 01/26/10

Leg Training Today

This is how things went in today's workout.
Today Supposed to be a max effort day in both the front and back squat. I was not feeling so I took it easy on the back squat and decided to go full load in the front squat. I hope this move pays off for now the big deadlift on Friday.

Hang Clean: 2 @ 135x4, 2 @ 175x4, 3@ 220x4
Back Squat: 135x5, 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 315x1
front Squat: 225x3, 275x1, 295x1, 315 miss
Glute Ham raise: 3 - BWx6
DB Single Leg RDL:
3 - 45x8

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Monday, January 25, 2010

My Upper Body Workout - 01/25/10

Upper Body Workout

This was the last week in the muscle and strength building cycle. Overall things went well. Next week is a planed deload week, after that back to the 5, 3, 1 cycle. I expect to pick things up next week and get bigger and stronger working out in the gym.

Bench Press: went to a max 365x1, had a little more left so I do expect to hit 75 next time
Incline Press: started with a close grip, moved hands out each set - 225x6, 245x6, 275x6
Pull Down, Underhand Grip: 170x6, 3 @ 210x6
Close Grip Bench: 225x6, 255x6, 275x6
Hammer Strength Iso Low Row: 4@ 320x6
DB Nose Breakers: 3@ 45x8
Rear Delt Fly: 3@ 20x12
DB Over head Extesion: 2@ 75x12

Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lower Body Leg Day ~ My Workout 01/22/10

With this program I am trying to get both bigger and stronger from my gym workouts. Today I was a little tired but things went OK anyway.

This week I did not push it. I hit my numbers and said ok. Past weeks I would burn out on the last set. What that did was basically but me at a rep max everyday. I think that took a toll on me and restricted gains because I was not fully recovered. By the time week 3 came around for the 1rm I did not have much left. I am not sure how I will change this but I will do so net time around the 5-3-1 program.

This is what I did today

I did not include the warm up weights today in my posting, but I did build up.

Hang Snatch: did not do today
Deadlifts: 405x3, 455x3, 475x3
Rear Foot Up Split Squat: 3 - 170x5
Good Mornings: 3 - 175x8

Also did a few preacher curls to finish things off. Not my best week of training. I plan on getting some good sleep next week and get back on track.

Click below to see all the new muscle building, weight loss and fitness tips.

Check Out My New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Free Weight Loss Workout - No equipment Needed

My friend Craig Ballantyne, Men's Health and Women's Health magazines fitness expert passed this simple but complete weight loss workout on over to me so i could share it with my readers.

What I like about it is that it is all bodyweight exercises. That means anyone can do it any anytime anywhere. It is nice to have something to help you lose belly fat without any needed equipment

Give it a try and let me know what you think or how you felt.

Check out the workout, just click the link below:
==>Free Fat Loss Workout

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lower Body Workout - 01/19/10

Leg Workout

This is what I did today

Hang Clean: 135x4, 2 - 175x4, 195x4, 220x3, 240x2, 260x1, 2- 280x1 missed both times
front Squat: 130x5, 175x5, 195x5, 220x3, 2 - 250x3
RDL: 3 - 195x8

That was it for today not very much volume, just did not have it in me today. Could have been the hang cleans, going heavy on them can take a bit out of the nervous system. Hope I turn things around Friday and pull some good weight on deadlifts.

Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Workout ~ Upper Body - 01/18/10

This is what I did in the gym Monday

Bench Press: 225x6, 255x3, 275x5, 295x3, 315x4
Close Grip Incline Press: 135x5, 185x8, 205x8, 225x8
Pull Down, Wide Grip: 150x12, 3 @ 190x8
Weighted Dips: 3@ 80x10
Bent Over Rows: 3@ 150x10

From now on I will only be updating this site with my workouts. I am still working on my new site but you can still check it out. Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lower Body Leg Day ~ My Workout 01/15/10

Believe it or not I am still sore from my workout on Tuesday. The glutes and hamstrings are tight, well at least I did not have to squat.

This is what I did today

Hang Snatch: 2 - 135x4, 2 - 155x4, 2 - 175x2
Deadlifts: 3 - 450x5
Rear Foot Up Split Squat: 3 - 130x8
Good Mornings: 3 - 135x8

This was a great lower body workout. I suggest you give it a try. Your entire lower body will be on fire and you will be on your way to getting stronger and bigger in the gym.

Click below to see all the new muscle building, weight loss and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Upper Body Workout - 01/14/10

Upper Body Workout

This is what I did today

1)a. Shoulder Press: 3 - 5 x 175
1)b. Weighted Pull Ups, Neutral Grip: 3 - 20x8
2)a. DB Incline Press: 3 - 100 x 8
3)b. Inverted Rows: 3 - 20 x 8
4)a. Weighted Dips: 2 - 65x12
4)b. Med ball Push ups: 2 - BWx12
4)c. Seated Row Neutral Grip: 2 - 200x12
4)d. Band Rear Delts: 2 - 200x12

Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Blueprint for fat loss success

Just want to share his with you. A friend of mine and a weight expert Craig Ballantyne has studied the results and programs of his body transformation winners. From that research he has come up with what may be the best and most complete solution to help you lose weight and get a nice slim stomach back.

Many contestants have used the system to lose 10, 20, and even 34 pounds in just 12 weeks.

Read more about it on my new blog: click ==> Fat Loss Blue print

Click Below For Trial Offer

== >Turbulence Training TRIAL OFFER

Your friend,

Jason, CSCS

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How accurate are nutritional Labels?

Can you trust the calorie count fast food restaurants give you?

If you are counting calories as an effective component of your weight loss program be warned, reported calories are not always what they claim to be.

Researchers have found some notable calories discrepancies between what's given out on health fact sheets and what independent lab tests discover. For more information check out my post.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lower Body Leg Day ~ My Workout 01/12/10

This is what I did today

Hang Clean: 2 - 135x4, 2 - 175x4, 3 - 195x3
Back Squat: 135x5, 225x3, 225x5, 250x5, 265x5
front Squat: 175x5, 195x5, 215x5
RDL: 3 - 195x8
21's: 3@ 75
DB Hammer Curls: 3 - 40x12

Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Workout ~ Upper Body - 10/22/10

Today I got back into the swing of things in the weight room. I will continue the same program I was on at Christmas. That program is a basic size and strength building program. Basically I will be doing a week at 5 then 3's, then hit a single, this will apply to the main exercise. For the other lifts I will do:
week 1: x12,
week 2: x8-10
week 3: x6
week 4: deload
This is what I did today

Bench Press: 225x8, 255x5, 275x5, 285x5, 295x5
Barbell Incline Press: 135x5, 185x12, 195x12, 205x12
Pull Down, Wide Grip: 170x12, 3 @ 180x12
Bent Over Rows: 125x12, 2@ 155x12
Neutral Grip Dumbell Bench: 3@ 90x12
Push Downs: 3@ 90x12

From now on I will only be updating this site with my workouts. I am still working on my new site but you can still check it out. Click below to see all the new muscle building, diet and fitness tips.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Great Chest Building Technique

Pec-Poking Pain From This Chest Training Technique!

My friend Jeff Anderson, The Muscle Nerd has this great chest building chest building technique. If you are looking to get big in the gym I suggest you take a look at this chest building exercise. It within 24 hours you will be poking your chest in pain and loving it.

click the link below:

My Workout - Full Body 01/09/10

Today was the end of my deload week. Monday I will be back to a regular workout.

Hang Snatch: did lots of sets and worked up to a heavy single. Did a couple sets at near max
Tarp Bar Deadlift: a few warm up sets then 3x5
Pull Down Neutral Grip: a few warm up sets then 3x5
Close grip Bench: 5x5
Inverted Rows: 5x5
EZ Curl: 3x8
DB Overhead Ext: 3x12

This site will soon only be for my workouts only. I am in the processes of building a new site for all other content. Click below and check it out.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Workout - Full Body 01/07/10

Next week I will be back to regular training so I am still on kind of a deload week.

Hang Clean: did lots of sets and worked up to a heavy single. Went until I missed.
Squat: front to back did 4 sets, 4 front squat, rack it and then do 4 back squat
Shoulder Press: worked up to a heavy double
Pull Ups Neutral Grip: sets of six, for every set on the press I did a set of pull ups,

This site will soon only be for my workouts only. I am in the processes of building a new site for all other content. Clock below and check it out.

New Site:
== > Men's Fitness and More at

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Weight Loss, Crazy Trick to Reach Your Goal

Real People Making Real Change, A crazy trick to reach your weight goal!
==> Weight Loss in 2010

New year is here and I am sure you want to make 2010 your best year yet. I am sure you are in search of a plan that will help you reach your goals. A quick search on the internet will provide you with endless choices that claim to have the answer for your success.

The fact is that many will fail at their attempt to lose weight and get in shape. It is sad but true. There is good news though.

Practically any program you find will work. With just a little knowledge and some effort you will be able to transform your body. Take a look at this one great tip that make a big difference on the success of your goals.
== > Weight Loss Success Tip

All The best in 2010
Jason, CSCS

This site will soon only be for my workouts only. I am processes of building a new site for all other content.

New Site:
Men's Fitness and More -