Saturday, May 6, 2006

Legs - The easy way out

Weight Training


Sat AM

Sumo Deadlift
5 - 315 x 8
Rest - 1:30
The last I was able to get 10, that means it was too light.

Lying Leg ext
5 - 75 x 10
Rest - 1:00

I did not have much energy as i went to the gym this AM, so I cut things short. Even the with the lack of energy I am still happy with how easy the DL's were. I hope to get a good sleep and be ready for some big lifts on Sunday.

All the best in your weight and programs.


Michael said...

First time on your site. Nice workouts. I'm guessing thats 5x8 on the sumos? I like your exercise selection as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments and the visit. Yes, my sumos were 5x8, most days I try to max out on my last set. If I can get morew than what I had planned I know it is time to up the weight.