Friday, November 17, 2006

Shoulder Training - Hypertrophy Week 2

Hypertrophy Weight Training

"Mass" Shoulders
Week 2

Clean & Press
95 x 5, 115 x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 155 x 5
These are more of a warm up then anything.

Smith Shoulder Press
Rest - 1:30
5 - 170 x 8
I only had 5 on the last set.

Up Right Rows
5 - 115 x 6
Rest - :45
I hate these things, but I guess I have to do them.

DB Shrugs
5 - #2 x 10
Rest - :30
For these I held the weight at my side. If i had a open hand my palms would travel up the side of my body.

Chicken Wings
3 - 25 x 10
Rest - :30
Not sure what the real name is but they are basically a side raise but the arm is bent at 90 at the elbow.

Rear Delt Flys
3 - 20 x 12
Rest - :30

All the best in your weight and programs.

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