Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Workout - Phase III ~ Week B Day 2

Weight Training Journal

My Workout

Bench Press: for singles - 7 sets at 320
Under Hand Grip Pull Ups: 7
- 35 x 3

PM Workout

DB Incline Neutral Grip Press: 3 sets w/ 100lbs, 3 x (2 w/ 10sec rest)
BOR Underhand Grip: 3 - 175 x 6
Arnold Press: 3 sets w/ 60lbs x7
Face Pull: 3 - 90 x 8
Floor Press: 3 - 225 x 6
Straight Bar Curls: 3 - 115 x 6
Pull Overs: 3 - 90 x 8

3 x (2 w/ 10sec rest) means I did 2 reps rested 10 seconds then repeated for a total of 3 times

All the best in your weight and programs.
Jason, CSCS


Moby Dick said...

Any relationship to the famous bodybuilder of the 1980s?

Unknown said...

No relation, just a regular guy who enjoys to workout.